Beauty salon and barbershop lighting

Lighting in beauty salons should be decorative, functional and able to evoke appropriate emotions.

The light in the areas of cosmetic procedures contributes to the relaxation of the client, his positive attitude, which has a positive effect on the result, while high visibility is important in hairdressing salons.

Spas, hairdressers, beauty salons differ from each other in terms of services, status and character, so lighting in them must be organized according to different rules. While natural light is welcomed in hairdressing and multi-use salons, spa lighting does not necessarily involve bright light coming from windows.

The approved standards for different premises of beauty salons depend on a number of parameters. The category and sub-class of visual work, its duration and the permissible pulsation coefficient are determined. So in beauty parlors and pedicure / manicure rooms, the illumination of the working surface should be greater than the lighting in hairdressing salons. The rooms for visitors and the staff rest room can be the least lit, while massage rooms with SPA treatments can be decorated in semi-darkness.

Hairdressers and barbershops

Important: in areas where it is very important to correctly reproduce colors, light sources with color rendering Ra ≥90 should be used. For example, hair coloring procedures in a room with the wrong light becomes a very risky business, as the result may disappoint the client.

Linear lighting for a barbershop

Voici comment nous créons un éclairage impressionnant


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Nous développerons un concept unique pour un environnement d'éclairage confortable.
Nous examinerons différents scénarios d'éclairage et des méthodes de contrôle pratiques.


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Nous effectuerons des calculs d'éclairage et préparerons toute la documentation nécessaire pour les constructeurs.


Nous fabriquerons des luminaires élégants avec des caractéristiques individuelles pour vous.
Soigneusement emballé, nous livrerons tout l'équipement sur votre site.

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